Friday, 18 April 2014

Launching a Cancer Supplement website :

15-April-2014 is our website launching for and we supply cancer supplement Amina-X for cancer patient worldwide.


Add me in facebook and Skype to know more…

Andeerson Wong
Cancer and Stroke Treatment Recovery Advisor
International Business Development Manager
Mobile : +6013-3194134.
Twitter : cancerrecover2u
Wechat & Whatsapp : Andeerson Wong 0133194134

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Leg Replacement in Malaysia (Applied Biomechanics)

Applied Biomechanics in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malasysia.

Andeerson Wong
Cancer and Stroke Treatment Recovery Advisor
International Business Development Manager
Mobile : +6013-3194134.
Skype ID : andersonwongkl
Twitter : cancerrecover2u
Wechat & Whatsapp : Andeerson Wong 0133194134

Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Malaysia

provide by Dama TCM for Kuala Lumpur Cerebral Palsy Association

Andeerson Wong
Cancer and Stroke Treatment Recovery Advisor
International Business Development Manager
Mobile : +6013-3194134.
Skype ID : andersonwongkl
Twitter : cancerrecover2u
Wechat & Whatsapp : Andeerson Wong 0133194134

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Intestine Cancer Stage 4 fully recover after 9 months.

Person Fully Recover from Intestine Cancer after 6 months with our treatment before and after operation.

History : Guy age 65 have intestine cancer stage four and cannot pass motion for 8 months. At last he need to go to operation to remove the cancer cells about 8 inches long, operation about 6 hours and at last successfully removed cancer cells.

Doctor think this person will die in few months. but when this person go back to follow-up check. Doctor surprise to see him so healthy, so fresh, more healthy than normal person.

Today, he will go to operation for colonscopy and will fully recover and without "Bag". Will resume to work after 1 month.

We can do it. can anyone out there?

Andeerson Wong
Cancer and Stroke Treatment Recovery Advisor
International Business Development Manager
Mobile : +6013-3194134.
Skype ID : andersonwongkl
Twitter : cancerrecover2u
Wechat & Whatsapp : Andeerson Wong 0133194134