Wednesday, 16 May 2012

FAT Cat Die, why?

Comment : Because overweight. They ask for it. Why cannot slim down? no solution? come to see me. It look like FAT people everywhere, from Advertisement, TV host, Health TV host, Weather Broadcaster (especially BBC - wher...e they outsource to 3rd party company and those staff is all fat fat), Heath Department Head.

I think we giving out a wrong signal completely and we accept FAT people and FAT people reluctant to slim down, lazy...

I like to suggest that all FAT people to Ban in TV and Those staff cannot slim down within 6 months need to go and don't buy anything from FAT people. Let them deal with thier own group. We need to give a right and strong signal....

FAT people need to pay 25% extra on Air ticket and Taxi fares, Salary need to lower 25% as well because high medical bill.....

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