Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Someone in Brain Dead condition

Comment : She is my auntie who live in Subang Jaya. She has diabetes, High blood pressure, in dialysis and Heart attack problem. She told us about her heart problem 3 years ago and i start to introduce Qi-Synergy Exercise class to her in 2009 and she no respond to it (That time the cost for 4 days exercise class just RM3,800).

Since 2009, she start to develop heart attacks and the rest of sickness one by one. Last 2 weeks she had heart failure in Subang Hospital straight fall into coma and now she need oxygen injection machine to keep her life afloat.

Doctor suggest to pull the oxygen tube and let go. However all the relative come to conclusion to let her stop completely automatically, the latest is until Dec'2012.

Our views : If she attend our 4 days Qi-synergy class in 2009, she will be no more all those problem completely. All this result is she ignore our offer and i hope Mother Mary can lead her after dead.

We offer dead recovery services (Max die within 3 hours)  for RM500,000 onward but not the brain dead case. very sorry.

You think human lovable?

Andeerson Wong
Healing Advisor Critical Illness Recovery
International Business Development Manager
Mobile : +6013-3194134.
Facebook / Yahoo Messenger : andersonkajang@yahoo.com
Master Website : http://andeerson.webs.com/

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